
The National Adaptation Plans elaborated by the learning countries (Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary and Slovenia) intend to support the adaptation process in these countries based on the observation of good practices in the field of inclusive education in sharing countries (Ireland and Portugal). The papers cover the formulation of the adaptation plans and include a summary of learning needs and the good practice examples best fitting the national learning needs. The National Adaptation Plans identify conditions needed for collaborative approaches among stakeholders that help reduce social exclusion and compensate educational disadvantages of students, mainly at local and school levels. 

Here You can find the Concept Paper and the Template of the National Adaptation Plans:

National Adaptation Plans - Concept Paper

National Adaptation Plans - Template

The European Adaptation Guidelines summarises and shares the key findings of the learning process of the project with the wider EU community involved, dedicated, and interested in ensuring more equitable education environments across the EU. It is particularly addressed to experts and practitioners, as well as national and international decision-makers in the field.

The STAIRS project has done its share towards strengthening social inclusion in education in the EU. It is our sincere hope that the European Adaptation Guidelines will inspire the EU community to learn to do more for inclusive education, and find their own, innovative and unique ways toward this important goal.