Module 3: Special Education, Inclusion & School Transitions
This module introduces the learner to the complex nature of special education and the promotion of full inclusive educational practice. It will document the development of special education from education in special education schools, special classes in mainstream schools to full inclusive practices in mainstream education. The module will plot the uneven development of full inclusive practices for children and young people in Europe. It will explore some of the challenges facing children with special education, particularly when making key transitions within education and from education into the labour market. Through good practice exemplars, the module will examine the potential of full inclusive practices and will document the impact of teacher education and multi-agency collaboration in promoting full inclusion for all children from preschool to vocational education and training. It will also document the history of special education and will explore different models of inclusive practice within schools. The module will emphasise the importance of an inclusive mindset in promoting and maximising educational and labour market opportunities for all children and young people.